"Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think" by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler is a compelling exploration of how emerging technologies are transforming our world, promising a future...
"Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built" by Duncan Clark delves into the remarkable journey of Jack Ma and the creation of one of the world's largest e-commerce platforms. Through...
In "Aurora Burning," the second installment of The Aurora Cycle series penned by acclaimed authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, readers are thrust into an electrifying interstellar adventure brimming with...
"Business Driven Technology 9th Edition" by Paige Baltzan navigates the dynamic intersection of business and technology, offering a comprehensive exploration of how modern enterprises leverage technological innovations to drive growth...
"Communication Skills for Engineers, 2nd Edition" by C. Muralikrishna and Sunita Mishra serves as a comprehensive guide for engineers aiming to enhance their communication abilities. This edition emphasizes the significance...
"Innovation Management and New Product Development 7th Edition" authored by Paul Trott is an indispensable resource for students, academics, and professionals alike, delving deep into the dynamic realms of innovation...
"Innovation Project Management: Methods, Case Studies, and Tools for Managing Innovation Projects 2nd Edition" by Harold Kerzner presents a comprehensive guide to navigating the dynamic landscape of innovation project management....
"Modern Management Concepts and Skills, 15th Edition" by Samuel C. Certo and Trevis Certo provides a contemporary perspective on management practices and skills essential for today's business environment. This edition...
Multivariate Spline Function and Their Application by Ren Hong Wang delves into the mathematical foundations and practical applications of multivariate spline functions, offering a comprehensive analysis of their use in...
"The Startup Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management" by Eric Ries delves into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship within the corporate landscape. Ries, renowned for his groundbreaking work in...